TPM24 Insights and US Retail Forecast Signal Strong Market Trends

March 12, 2024


This week’s market update highlights key developments shaping the logistics industry, focusing on capacity stability, evolving trade strategies, and resilient market demand. Despite ongoing disruptions in the Red Sea, capacity balancing on major trade routes remains stable as carriers deploy additional vessels. We also share insights from the TPM24 conference, where trans-Pacific contract negotiations and strategies for the coming year took center stage. In addition, upward revisions to US retailer import forecasts signal market resilience and increased demand in 2024. Explore these updates, including trends in transloading strategies, inland port growth, and the global economic outlook, as we continue to navigate a complex and evolving shipping landscape.


Capacity Balancing on Major Trades


Anticipating the Next Contract Year: Fundamentals, Pricing, and Strategy


US Retailer Forecast


We’ve also gathered important insights from the recent TPM24 conference

Global Instability Threatens Maritime Trade


Economic Growth Amidst Inflation and Conflict


Chassis Provider Prepares for Import Surge


Transloading Strategies Shaping Industry Dynamics


Skepticism Over Gemini Cooperation’s Operating Model


Inland Ports’ Potential Growth with Haulage Model Changes